The Roundtable Meeting on Lightning and Thunderstorms, (RMLT) – 2019, held at the Department of Physics, Tripura University, India in September 2019 aimed to minimize the recently escalated lightning-related human injuries, livestock deaths, and property/service losses in India and other developing countries, through validated
safety modules and protection technologies.
The apex event of this roundtable was the inauguration of the Centre for Lightning and Thunderstorm Studies (CeLTS) at the Department of Physics, Tripura University, and the formation of an international advisory panel. The experience in many countries on how to run an international/regional lightning awareness and research centre was discussed in detail, highlighting the success and failure of such entities in the respective regions.
The CeLTS invites every participant to be a stakeholder of the proposed centre. CeLTS would extend its support to establish similar institutes and collaborative programs in other regions as well.
CeLTS has developed an indigenous lightning detection network that covers the SALNeT countries. Details can be found at